%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB. %% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings %% AB. All Rights Reserved.'' %% %% @author Ulf Wiger %% %% @doc Extended process registry %%

This module implements an extended process registry


For a detailed description, see %% erlang07-wiger.pdf.

%% %% @type type() = n | p | c | a. n = name; p = property; c = counter; %% a = aggregate_counter %% @type scope() = l | g. l = local registration; g = global registration %% @type context() = {scope(), type()} | type(). Local scope is the default %% @type sel_type() = n | p | c | a | %% names | props | counters | aggr_counters. %% @type headpat() = {keypat(),pidpat(),ValPat}. %% @type keypat() = {sel_type() | sel_var(), %% l | g | sel_var(), %% any()}. %% @type pidpat() = pid() | sel_var(). %% sel_var() = DollarVar | '_'. %% @type sel_pattern() = [{headpat(), Guards, Prod}]. %% @type key() = {type(), scope(), any()} %% @end -module(gproc). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([start_link/0, reg/1, reg/2, unreg/1, mreg/3, set_value/2, get_value/1, where/1, await/2, nb_wait/1, cancel_wait/2, lookup_pid/1, lookup_pids/1, lookup_values/1, update_counter/2, send/2, info/1, info/2, select/1, select/2, select/3, first/1, next/2, prev/2, last/1, table/1, table/2]). %% Convenience functions -export([add_local_name/1, add_global_name/1, add_local_property/2, add_global_property/2, add_local_counter/2, add_global_counter/2, add_local_aggr_counter/1, add_global_aggr_counter/1, lookup_local_name/1, lookup_global_name/1, lookup_local_properties/1, lookup_global_properties/1, lookup_local_counters/1, lookup_global_counters/1, lookup_local_aggr_counter/1, lookup_global_aggr_counter/1]). -export([default/1]). %%% internal exports -export([init/1, handle_cast/2, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, code_change/3, terminate/2]). -include("gproc.hrl"). -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). %%-define(l, l(?LINE)). % when activated, calls a traceable empty function -define(l, ignore). -define(CHK_DIST, case whereis(gproc_dist) of undefined -> erlang:error(local_only); _ -> ok end). -record(state, {}). %% @spec () -> {ok, pid()} %% %% @doc Starts the gproc server. %% %% This function is intended to be called from gproc_sup, as part of %% starting the gproc application. %% @end start_link() -> create_tabs(), gen_server:start({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []). %% spec(Name::any()) -> true %% %% @doc Registers a local (unique) name. @equiv reg({n,l,Name}) %% @end %% add_local_name(Name) -> reg({n,l,Name}, undefined). %% spec(Name::any()) -> true %% %% @doc Registers a global (unique) name. @equiv reg({n,g,Name}) %% @end %% add_global_name(Name) -> reg({n,g,Name}, undefined). %% spec(Name::any(), Value::any()) -> true %% %% @doc Registers a local (non-unique) property. @equiv reg({p,l,Name},Value) %% @end %% add_local_property(Name , Value) -> reg({p,l,Name}, Value). %% spec(Name::any(), Value::any()) -> true %% %% @doc Registers a global (non-unique) property. @equiv reg({p,g,Name},Value) %% @end %% add_global_property(Name, Value) -> reg({p,g,Name}, Value). %% spec(Name::any(), Initial::integer()) -> true %% %% @doc Registers a local (non-unique) counter. @equiv reg({c,l,Name},Value) %% @end %% add_local_counter(Name, Initial) when is_integer(Initial) -> reg({c,l,Name}, Initial). %% spec(Name::any(), Initial::integer()) -> true %% %% @doc Registers a global (non-unique) counter. @equiv reg({c,g,Name},Value) %% @end %% add_global_counter(Name, Initial) when is_integer(Initial) -> reg({n,g,Name}, Initial). %% spec(Name::any()) -> true %% %% @doc Registers a local (unique) aggregated counter. %% @equiv reg({a,l,Name}) %% @end %% add_local_aggr_counter(Name) -> reg({a,l,Name}). %% spec(Name::any()) -> true %% %% @doc Registers a global (unique) aggregated counter. %% @equiv reg({a,g,Name}) %% @end %% add_global_aggr_counter(Name) -> reg({a,g,Name}). %% @spec (Name::any()) -> pid() %% %% @doc Lookup a local unique name. Fails if there is no such name. %% @equiv where({n,l,Name}) %% @end %% lookup_local_name(Name) -> where({n,l,Name}). %% @spec (Name::any()) -> pid() %% %% @doc Lookup a global unique name. Fails if there is no such name. %% @equiv where({n,g,Name}) %% @end %% lookup_global_name(Name) -> where({n,g,Name}). %% @spec (Name::any()) -> integer() %% %% @doc Lookup a local (unique) aggregated counter and returns its value. %% Fails if there is no such object. %% @equiv where({a,l,Name}) %% @end %% lookup_local_aggr_counter(Name) -> lookup_value({a,l,Name}). %% @spec (Name::any()) -> integer() %% %% @doc Lookup a global (unique) aggregated counter and returns its value. %% Fails if there is no such object. %% @equiv where({a,g,Name}) %% @end %% lookup_global_aggr_counter(Name) -> lookup_value({a,g,Name}). %% @spec (Property::any()) -> [{pid(), Value}] %% %% @doc Look up all local (non-unique) instances of a given Property. %% Returns a list of {Pid, Value} tuples for all matching objects. %% @equiv lookup_values({p, l, Property}) %% @end %% lookup_local_properties(P) -> lookup_values({p,l,P}). %% @spec (Property::any()) -> [{pid(), Value}] %% %% @doc Look up all global (non-unique) instances of a given Property. %% Returns a list of {Pid, Value} tuples for all matching objects. %% @equiv lookup_values({p, g, Property}) %% @end %% lookup_global_properties(P) -> lookup_values({p,g,P}). %% @spec (Counter::any()) -> [{pid(), Value::integer()}] %% %% @doc Look up all local (non-unique) instances of a given Counter. %% Returns a list of {Pid, Value} tuples for all matching objects. %% @equiv lookup_values({c, l, Counter}) %% @end %% lookup_local_counters(P) -> lookup_values({c,l,P}). %% @spec (Counter::any()) -> [{pid(), Value::integer()}] %% %% @doc Look up all global (non-unique) instances of a given Counter. %% Returns a list of {Pid, Value} tuples for all matching objects. %% @equiv lookup_values({c, g, Counter}) %% @end %% lookup_global_counters(P) -> lookup_values({c,g,P}). %% @spec reg(Key::key()) -> true %% %% @doc %% @equiv reg(Key, default(Key)) %% @end reg(Key) -> reg(Key, default(Key)). default({T,_,_}) when T==c; T==a -> 0; default(_) -> undefined. %% @spec await(Key::key(), Timeout) -> {pid(),Value} %% Timeout = integer() | infinity %% %% @doc Wait for a local name to be registered. %% The function raises an exception if the timeout expires. Timeout must be %% either an interger > 0 or 'infinity'. %% @end %% await({n,l,_} = Key, Timeout) -> TRef = case Timeout of infinity -> no_timer; T when is_integer(T), T > 0 -> erlang:start_timer(T, self(), timeout); _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Key, Timeout]) end, WRef = call({await,Key}), receive {gproc, WRef, registered, {_K, Pid, V}} -> {Pid, V}; {timeout, TRef, timeout} -> cancel_wait(Key, WRef), erlang:error(timeout, [Key, Timeout]) end; await(K, T) -> erlang:error(badarg, [K, T]). %% @spec nb_wait(Key::key()) -> Ref %% %% @doc Wait for a local name to be registered. %% The caller can expect to receive a message, %% {gproc, Ref, registered, {Key, Pid, Value}}, once the name is registered. %% @end %% nb_wait({n,l,_} = Key) -> call({await, Key}); nb_wait(Key) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Key]). cancel_wait(Key, Ref) -> cast({cancel_wait, self(), Key, Ref}), ok. %% @spec reg(Key::key(), Value) -> true %% %% @doc Register a name or property for the current process %% %% reg({_,g,_} = Key, Value) -> %% anything global ?CHK_DIST, gproc_dist:reg(Key, Value); reg({p,l,_} = Key, Value) -> local_reg(Key, Value); reg({T,l,_} = Key, Value) when T==n; T==c; T==a -> %% local names, counters and aggregated counters if T =:= n orelse is_integer(Value) -> true; true -> erlang:error(badarg) end, call({reg, Key, Value}); reg(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). %% @spec mreg(type(), scope(), [{Key::any(), Value::any()}]) -> true %% %% @doc Register multiple {Key,Value} pairs of a given type and scope. %% %% This function is more efficient than calling {@link reg/2} repeatedly. %% @end mreg(T, g, KVL) -> ?CHK_DIST, gproc_dist:mreg(T, KVL); mreg(T, l, KVL) when T==a; T==n -> if is_list(KVL) -> call({mreg, T, l, KVL}); true -> erlang:error(badarg) end; mreg(p, l, KVL) -> local_mreg(p, KVL); mreg(_, _, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). %% @spec (Key:: key()) -> true %% %% @doc Unregister a name or property. %% @end unreg(Key) -> case Key of {_, g, _} -> ?CHK_DIST, gproc_dist:unreg(Key); {T, l, _} when T == n; T == a -> call({unreg, Key}); {_, l, _} -> case ets:member(?TAB, {Key,self()}) of true -> gproc_lib:remove_reg(Key, self()); false -> erlang:error(badarg) end end. %% @spec (select_pattern()) -> list(sel_object()) %% @doc %% @equiv select(all, Pat) %% @end select(Pat) -> select(all, Pat). %% @spec (Type::sel_type(), Pat::sel_pattern()) -> [{Key, Pid, Value}] %% %% @doc Perform a select operation on the process registry. %% %% The physical representation in the registry may differ from the above, %% but the select patterns are transformed appropriately. %% @end select(Type, Pat) -> ets:select(?TAB, pattern(Pat, Type)). %% @spec (Type::sel_type(), Pat::sel_patten(), Limit::integer()) -> %% [{Key, Pid, Value}] %% @doc Like {@link select/2} but returns Limit objects at a time. %% %% See [http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html#select-3]. %% @end select(Type, Pat, Limit) -> ets:select(?TAB, pattern(Pat, Type), Limit). %%% Local properties can be registered in the local process, since %%% no other process can interfere. %%% local_reg(Key, Value) -> case gproc_lib:insert_reg(Key, Value, self(), l) of false -> erlang:error(badarg); true -> monitor_me() end. local_mreg(_, []) -> true; local_mreg(T, [_|_] = KVL) -> case gproc_lib:insert_many(T, l, KVL, self()) of false -> erlang:error(badarg); {true,_} -> monitor_me() end. %% @spec (Key :: key(), Value) -> true %% @doc Sets the value of the registeration entry given by Key %% %% Key is assumed to exist and belong to the calling process. %% If it doesn't, this function will exit. %% %% Value can be any term, unless the object is a counter, in which case %% it must be an integer. %% @end %% set_value({_,g,_} = Key, Value) -> ?CHK_DIST, gproc_dist:set_value(Key, Value); set_value({a,l,_} = Key, Value) when is_integer(Value) -> call({set, Key, Value}); set_value({n,l,_} = Key, Value) -> %% we cannot do this locally, since we have to check that the object %% exists first - not an atomic update. call({set, Key, Value}); set_value({p,l,_} = Key, Value) -> %% we _can_ to this locally, since there is no race condition - no %% other process can update our properties. case gproc_lib:do_set_value(Key, Value, self()) of true -> true; false -> erlang:error(badarg) end; set_value({c,l,_} = Key, Value) when is_integer(Value) -> gproc_lib:do_set_counter_value(Key, Value, self()); set_value(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). %% @spec (Key) -> Value %% @doc Read the value stored with a key registered to the current process. %% %% If no such key is registered to the current process, this function exits. %% @end get_value(Key) -> get_value(Key, self()). get_value({T,_,_} = Key, Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> if T==n orelse T==a -> case ets:lookup(?TAB, {Key, T}) of [{_, P, Value}] when P == Pid -> Value; _ -> erlang:error(badarg) end; true -> ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {Key, Pid}, 3) end; get_value(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). %% @spec (Key) -> Pid %% @doc Lookup the Pid stored with a key. %% lookup_pid({_T,_,_} = Key) -> case where(Key) of undefined -> erlang:error(badarg); P -> P end. lookup_value({T,_,_} = Key) -> if T==n orelse T==a -> ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {Key,T}, 3); true -> erlang:error(badarg) end. %% @spec (Key::key()) -> pid() %% %% @doc Returns the pid registered as Key %% %% The type of registration entry must be either name or aggregated counter. %% Otherwise this function will exit. Use {@link lookup_pids/1} in these %% cases. %% @end %% where({T,_,_}=Key) -> if T==n orelse T==a -> case ets:lookup(?TAB, {Key,T}) of [] -> undefined; [{_, P, _Value}] -> P end; true -> erlang:error(badarg) end. %% @spec (Key::key()) -> [pid()] %% %% @doc Returns a list of pids with the published key Key %% %% If the type of registration entry is either name or aggregated counter, %% this function will return either an empty list, or a list of one pid. %% For non-unique types, the return value can be a list of any length. %% @end %% lookup_pids({T,_,_} = Key) -> if T==n orelse T==a -> ets:select(?TAB, [{{{Key,T}, '$1', '_'},[],['$1']}]); true -> ets:select(?TAB, [{{{Key,'_'}, '$1', '_'},[],['$1']}]) %%% true -> %%% erlang:error(badarg) end. %% @spec (Key::key()) -> [{pid(), Value}] %% %% @doc Retrieve the `{Pid,Value}' pairs corresponding to Key. %% %% Key refer to any type of registry object. If it refers to a unique %% object, the list will be of length 0 or 1. If it refers to a non-unique %% object, the return value can be a list of any length. %% @end %% lookup_values({T,_,_} = Key) -> if T==n orelse T==a -> ets:select(?TAB, [{{{Key,T}, '$1', '$2'},[],[{{'$1','$2'}}]}]); true -> ets:select(?TAB, [{{{Key,'_'}, '$1', '$2'},[],[{{'$1','$2'}}]}]) end. %% @spec (Key::key(), Incr::integer()) -> integer() %% %% @doc Updates the counter registered as Key for the current process. %% %% This function works like ets:update_counter/3 %% (see [http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html#update_counter-3]), but %% will fail if the type of object referred to by Key is not a counter. %% @end %% update_counter({c,l,_} = Key, Incr) when is_integer(Incr) -> gproc_lib:update_counter(Key, Incr, self()); update_counter({c,g,_} = Key, Incr) when is_integer(Incr) -> ?CHK_DIST, gproc_dist:update_counter(Key, Incr); update_counter(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). %% @spec (Key::key(), Msg::any()) -> Msg %% %% @doc Sends a message to the process, or processes, corresponding to Key. %% %% If Key belongs to a unique object (name or aggregated counter), this %% function will send a message to the corresponding process, or fail if there %% is no such process. If Key is for a non-unique object type (counter or %% property), Msg will be send to all processes that have such an object. %% @end %% send({T,C,_} = Key, Msg) when C==l; C==g -> if T == n orelse T == a -> case ets:lookup(?TAB, {Key, T}) of [{_, Pid, _}] -> Pid ! Msg; [] -> erlang:error(badarg) end; T==p orelse T==c -> %% BUG - if the key part contains select wildcards, we may end up %% sending multiple messages to the same pid Head = {{Key,'$1'},'_'}, Pids = ets:select(?TAB, [{Head,[],['$1']}]), lists:foreach(fun(Pid) -> Pid ! Msg end, Pids), Msg; true -> erlang:error(badarg) end; send(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). %% @spec (Type :: type()) -> key() | '$end_of_table' %% %% @doc Behaves as ets:first(Tab) for a given type of registration object. %% %% See [http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html#first-1]. %% The registry behaves as an ordered_set table. %% @end %% first(Type) -> {HeadPat,_} = headpat(Type, '_', '_', '_'), case ets:select(?TAB, [{HeadPat,[],[{element,1,'$_'}]}], 1) of {[First], _} -> First; _ -> '$end_of_table' end. %% @spec (Context :: context()) -> key() | '$end_of_table' %% %% @doc Behaves as ets:last(Tab) for a given type of registration object. %% %% See [http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html#last-1]. %% The registry behaves as an ordered_set table. %% @end %% last(Context) -> {S, T} = get_s_t(Context), S1 = if S == '_'; S == l -> m; S == g -> h end, Beyond = {{T,S1,[]},[]}, step(ets:prev(?TAB, Beyond), S, T). %% @spec (Context::context(), Key::key()) -> key() | '$end_of_table' %% %% @doc Behaves as ets:next(Tab,Key) for a given type of registration object. %% %% See [http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html#next-2]. %% The registry behaves as an ordered_set table. %% @end %% next(Context, K) -> {S,T} = get_s_t(Context), step(ets:next(?TAB,K), S, T). %% @spec (Context::context(), Key::key()) -> key() | '$end_of_table' %% %% @doc Behaves as ets:prev(Tab,Key) for a given type of registration object. %% %% See [http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html#prev-2]. %% The registry behaves as an ordered_set table. %% @end %% prev(Context, K) -> {S, T} = get_s_t(Context), step(ets:prev(?TAB, K), S, T). step(Key, '_', '_') -> case Key of {{_,_,_},_} -> Key; _ -> '$end_of_table' end; step(Key, '_', T) -> case Key of {{T,_,_},_} -> Key; _ -> '$end_of_table' end; step(Key, S, '_') -> case Key of {{_, S, _}, _} -> Key; _ -> '$end_of_table' end; step(Key, S, T) -> case Key of {{T, S, _}, _} -> Key; _ -> '$end_of_table' end. %% @spec (Pid::pid()) -> ProcessInfo %% ProcessInfo = [{gproc, [{Key,Value}]} | ProcessInfo] %% %% @doc Similar to `process_info(Pid)' but with additional gproc info. %% %% Returns the same information as process_info(Pid), but with the %% addition of a `gproc' information item, containing the `{Key,Value}' %% pairs registered to the process. %% @end info(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> Items = [?MODULE | [ I || {I,_} <- process_info(self())]], [info(Pid,I) || I <- Items]. %% @spec (Pid::pid(), Item::atom()) -> {Item, Info} %% %% @doc Similar to process_info(Pid, Item), but with additional gproc info. %% %% For `Item = gproc', this function returns a list of `{Key, Value}' pairs %% registered to the process Pid. For other values of Item, it returns the %% same as [http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#process_info-2]. %% @end info(Pid, ?MODULE) -> Keys = ets:select(?TAB, [{ {{Pid,'$1'}}, [], ['$1'] }]), {?MODULE, lists:zf( fun(K) -> try V = get_value(K, Pid), {true, {K,V}} catch error:_ -> false end end, Keys)}; info(Pid, I) -> process_info(Pid, I). %%% ========================================================== %% @hidden handle_cast({monitor_me, Pid}, S) -> erlang:monitor(process, Pid), {noreply, S}; handle_cast({cancel_wait, Pid, {T,_,_} = Key, Ref}, S) -> case ets:lookup(?TAB, {Key,T}) of [{K, Waiters}] -> NewWaiters = Waiters -- [{Pid,Ref}], %% for now, we don't remove the reverse entry. If we should do %% that, we have to make sure that Pid doesn't have another %% waiter (which it shouldn't have, given that the wait is %% synchronous). Keeping it is not problematic - worst case, we %% will get an unnecessary cleanup. ets:insert(?TAB, {K, NewWaiters}); _ -> ignore end, {noreply, S}. %% @hidden handle_call({reg, {_T,l,_} = Key, Val}, {Pid,_}, S) -> case try_insert_reg(Key, Val, Pid) of true -> ensure_monitor(Pid), {reply, true, S}; false -> {reply, badarg, S} end; handle_call({unreg, {_,l,_} = Key}, {Pid,_}, S) -> case ets:member(?TAB, {Pid,Key}) of true -> gproc_lib:remove_reg(Key, Pid), {reply, true, S}; false -> {reply, badarg, S} end; handle_call({await, {T,l,_} = Key}, {Pid,Ref} = From, S) -> Rev = {{Pid,Key}, r}, case ets:lookup(?TAB, {Key,T}) of [{_, P, Value}] -> %% for symmetry, we always reply with Ref and then send a message gen_server:reply(From, Ref), Pid ! {gproc, Ref, registered, {Key, P, Value}}, {noreply, S}; [{K, Waiters}] -> NewWaiters = [{Pid,Ref} | Waiters], ets:insert(?TAB, [{K, NewWaiters}, Rev]), gproc_lib:ensure_monitor(Pid), {reply, Ref, S}; [] -> ets:insert(?TAB, [{{Key,T}, [{Pid,Ref}]}, Rev]), gproc_lib:ensure_monitor(Pid), {reply, Ref, S} end; handle_call({mreg, T, l, L}, {Pid,_}, S) -> try gproc_lib:insert_many(T, l, L, Pid) of {true,_} -> {reply, true, S}; false -> {reply, badarg, S} catch error:_ -> {reply, badarg, S} end; handle_call({set, {_,l,_} = Key, Value}, {Pid,_}, S) -> case gproc_lib:do_set_value(Key, Value, Pid) of true -> {reply, true, S}; false -> {reply, badarg, S} end; handle_call(_, _, S) -> {reply, badarg, S}. %% @hidden handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, _}, S) -> process_is_down(Pid), {noreply, S}; handle_info(_, S) -> {noreply, S}. %% @hidden code_change(_FromVsn, S, _Extra) -> {ok, S}. %% @hidden terminate(_Reason, _S) -> ok. call(Req) -> case gen_server:call(?MODULE, Req) of badarg -> erlang:error(badarg, Req); Reply -> Reply end. cast(Msg) -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, Msg). try_insert_reg({T,l,_} = Key, Val, Pid) -> case gproc_lib:insert_reg(Key, Val, Pid, l) of false -> case ets:lookup(?TAB, {Key,T}) of [{_, OtherPid, _}] -> case is_process_alive(OtherPid) of true -> false; false -> process_is_down(Pid), true = gproc_lib:insert_reg(Key, Val, Pid, l) end; [] -> false end; true -> true end. process_is_down(Pid) -> Keys = ets:select(?TAB, [{{{Pid,'$1'},'$2'}, [{'==',{element,2,'$1'},l}], [{{'$1','$2'}}]}]), ets:select_delete(?TAB, [{{{Pid,{'_',l,'_'}}}, [], [true]}]), ets:delete(?TAB, Pid), lists:foreach(fun({Key,r}) -> gproc_lib:remove_reg_1(Key, Pid); ({Key,w}) -> gproc_lib:remove_waiter(Key, Pid) end, Keys). create_tabs() -> ets:new(?MODULE, [ordered_set, public, named_table]). %% @hidden init([]) -> {ok, #state{}}. ensure_monitor(Pid) when node(Pid) == node() -> case ets:insert_new(?TAB, {Pid}) of false -> ok; true -> erlang:monitor(process, Pid) end; ensure_monitor(_) -> true. monitor_me() -> case ets:insert_new(?TAB, {self()}) of false -> true; true -> cast({monitor_me,self()}), true end. pattern([{'_', Gs, As}], T) -> ?l, {HeadPat, Vs} = headpat(T, '$1', '$2', '$3'), [{HeadPat, rewrite(Gs,Vs), rewrite(As,Vs)}]; pattern([{{A,B,C},Gs,As}], Scope) -> ?l, {HeadPat, Vars} = headpat(Scope, A,B,C), [{HeadPat, rewrite(Gs,Vars), rewrite(As,Vars)}]; pattern([{Head, Gs, As}], Scope) -> ?l, case is_var(Head) of {true,_N} -> HeadPat = {{{type(Scope),'_','_'},'_'},'_','_'}, Vs = [{Head, obj_prod()}], %% {HeadPat, Vs} = headpat(Scope, A,B,C), %% the headpat function should somehow verify that Head is %% consistent with Scope (or should we add a guard?) [{HeadPat, rewrite(Gs, Vs), rewrite(As, Vs)}]; false -> erlang:error(badarg) end. %% This is the expression to use in guards and the RHS to address the whole %% object, in its logical representation. obj_prod() -> {{ {element,1,{element,1,'$_'}}, {element,2,'$_'}, {element,3,'$_'} }}. obj_prod_l() -> [ {element,1,{element,1,'$_'}}, {element,2,'$_'}, {element,3,'$_'} ]. headpat({S, T}, V1,V2,V3) when S==global; S==local; S==all -> headpat(type(T), scope(S), V1,V2,V3); headpat(T, V1, V2, V3) when is_atom(T) -> headpat(type(T), l, V1, V2, V3); headpat(_, _, _, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). headpat(T, C, V1,V2,V3) -> Rf = fun(Pos) -> {element,Pos,{element,1,{element,1,'$_'}}} end, K2 = if T==n orelse T==a -> T; true -> '_' end, {Kp,Vars} = case V1 of {Vt,Vc,Vn} -> ?l, {T1,Vs1} = subst(T,Vt,fun() -> Rf(1) end,[]), {C1,Vs2} = subst(C,Vc,fun() -> Rf(2) end,Vs1), {{T1,C1,Vn}, Vs2}; '_' -> ?l, {{T,C,'_'}, []}; _ -> ?l, case is_var(V1) of {true,_} -> {{T,C,V1}, [{V1, {element,1, {element,1,'$_'}}}]}; false -> erlang:error(badarg) end end, {{{Kp,K2},V2,V3}, Vars}. %% l(L) -> L. subst(X, '_', _F, Vs) -> {X, Vs}; subst(X, V, F, Vs) -> case is_var(V) of {true,_} -> {X, [{V,F()}|Vs]}; false -> {V, Vs} end. scope(all) -> '_'; scope(global) -> g; scope(local) -> l. type(all) -> '_'; type(T) when T==n; T==p; T==c; T==a -> T; type(names) -> n; type(props) -> p; type(counters) -> c; type(aggr_counters) -> a. keypat(Context) -> {S,T} = get_s_t(Context), {{T,S,'_'},'_'}. get_s_t({S,T}) -> {scope(S), type(T)}; get_s_t(T) when is_atom(T) -> {l, type(T)}. is_var('$1') -> {true,1}; is_var('$2') -> {true,2}; is_var('$3') -> {true,3}; is_var('$4') -> {true,4}; is_var('$5') -> {true,5}; is_var('$6') -> {true,6}; is_var('$7') -> {true,7}; is_var('$8') -> {true,8}; is_var('$9') -> {true,9}; is_var(X) when is_atom(X) -> case atom_to_list(X) of "$" ++ Tl -> try N = list_to_integer(Tl), {true,N} catch error:_ -> false end; _ -> false end; is_var(_) -> false. rewrite(Gs, R) -> [rewrite1(G, R) || G <- Gs]. rewrite1('$_', _) -> obj_prod(); rewrite1('$$', _) -> obj_prod_l(); rewrite1(Guard, R) when is_tuple(Guard) -> list_to_tuple([rewrite1(G, R) || G <- tuple_to_list(Guard)]); rewrite1(Exprs, R) when is_list(Exprs) -> [rewrite1(E, R) || E <- Exprs]; rewrite1(V, R) when is_atom(V) -> case is_var(V) of {true,_N} -> case lists:keysearch(V, 1, R) of {value, {_, V1}} -> V1; false -> V end; false -> V end; rewrite1(Expr, _) -> Expr. %% @spec (Context::context()) -> any() %% %% @doc %% @equiv table(Context, []) %% @end %% table(Context) -> table(Context, []). %% @spec (Context::context(), Opts) -> any() %% %% @doc QLC table generator for the gproc registry. %% Context specifies which subset of the registry should be queried. %% See [http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/qlc.html]. %% @end table(Ctxt, Opts) -> [Traverse, NObjs] = [proplists:get_value(K,Opts,Def) || {K,Def} <- [{traverse,select}, {n_objects,100}]], TF = case Traverse of first_next -> fun() -> qlc_next(Ctxt, first(Ctxt)) end; last_prev -> fun() -> qlc_prev(Ctxt, last(Ctxt)) end; select -> fun(MS) -> qlc_select(select(Ctxt, MS, NObjs)) end; {select,MS} -> fun() -> qlc_select(select(Ctxt, MS, NObjs)) end; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Ctxt,Opts]) end, InfoFun = fun(indices) -> [2]; (is_unique_objects) -> is_unique(Ctxt); (keypos) -> 1; (is_sorted_key) -> true; (num_of_objects) -> %% this is just a guesstimate. trunc(ets:info(?TAB,size) / 2.5) end, LookupFun = case Traverse of {select, _MS} -> undefined; _ -> fun(Pos, Ks) -> qlc_lookup(Ctxt, Pos, Ks) end end, qlc:table(TF, [{info_fun, InfoFun}, {lookup_fun, LookupFun}] ++ [{K,V} || {K,V} <- Opts, K =/= traverse, K =/= n_objects]). qlc_lookup(_Scope, 1, Keys) -> lists:flatmap( fun(Key) -> ets:select(?TAB, [{ {{Key,'_'},'_','_'}, [], [{{ {element,1,{element,1,'$_'}}, {element,2,'$_'}, {element,3,'$_'} }}] }]) end, Keys); qlc_lookup(Scope, 2, Pids) -> lists:flatmap(fun(Pid) -> Found = ets:select(?TAB, [{ {{Pid,keypat(Scope)}}, [], ['$_']}]), lists:flatmap( fun({{_,{T,_,_}=K}}) -> K2 = if T==n orelse T==a -> T; true -> Pid end, case ets:lookup(?TAB, {K,K2}) of [{{Key,_},_,Value}] -> [{Key, Pid, Value}]; [] -> [] end end, Found) end, Pids). qlc_next(_, '$end_of_table') -> []; qlc_next(Scope, K) -> case ets:lookup(?TAB, K) of [{{Key,_}, Pid, V}] -> [{Key,Pid,V} | fun() -> qlc_next(Scope, next(Scope, K)) end]; [] -> qlc_next(Scope, next(Scope, K)) end. qlc_prev(_, '$end_of_table') -> []; qlc_prev(Scope, K) -> case ets:lookup(?TAB, K) of [{{Key,_},Pid,V}] -> [{Key,Pid,V} | fun() -> qlc_prev(Scope, prev(Scope, K)) end]; [] -> qlc_prev(Scope, prev(Scope, K)) end. qlc_select('$end_of_table') -> []; qlc_select({Objects, Cont}) -> Objects ++ fun() -> qlc_select(ets:select(Cont)) end. is_unique(names) -> true; is_unique(aggr_counters) -> true; is_unique({_, names}) -> true; is_unique({_, aggr_counters}) -> true; is_unique(n) -> true; is_unique(a) -> true; is_unique({_,n}) -> true; is_unique({_,a}) -> true; is_unique(_) -> false.