%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB. %% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings %% AB. All Rights Reserved.'' %% %% @author Ulf Wiger %% %% @doc Extended process registry %%

This module implements an extended process registry


For a detailed description, see gproc/doc/erlang07-wiger.pdf.

%% @end -module(gproc_dist). -behaviour(gen_leader). -export([start_link/0, start_link/1, reg/2, unreg/1, mreg/2, set_value/2, update_counter/2]). %%% internal exports -export([init/1, handle_cast/2, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, handle_leader_call/4, handle_leader_cast/3, handle_DOWN/3, elected/2, surrendered/3, from_leader/3, code_change/4, terminate/2]). -include("gproc.hrl"). -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -record(state, {is_leader}). start_link() -> start_link([node()|nodes()]). start_link(Nodes) -> gen_leader:start_link( ?SERVER, Nodes, [],?MODULE, [], [{debug,[trace]}]). %%% @spec({Class,Scope, Key}, Value) -> true %%% @doc %%% Class = n - unique name %%% | p - non-unique property %%% | c - counter %%% | a - aggregated counter %%% Scope = l | g (global or local) %%% reg({_,g,_} = Key, Value) -> %% anything global leader_call({reg, Key, Value, self()}); reg(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). mreg(T, KVL) -> if is_list(KVL) -> leader_call({mreg, T, g, KVL, self()}); true -> erlang:error(badarg) end. unreg({_,g,_} = Key) -> leader_call({unreg, Key, self()}); unreg(_) -> erlang:error(badarg). set_value({T,g,_} = Key, Value) when T==a; T==c -> if is_integer(Value) -> leader_call({set, Key, Value}); true -> erlang:error(badarg) end; set_value({_,g,_} = Key, Value) -> leader_call({set, Key, Value, self()}); set_value(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). update_counter({c,g,_} = Key, Incr) when is_integer(Incr) -> leader_call({update_counter, Key, Incr, self()}); update_counter(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). %%% ========================================================== handle_cast(_Msg, S) -> {stop, unknown_cast, S}. handle_call(_, _, S) -> {reply, badarg, S}. handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, _}, S) -> Keys = ets:select(?TAB, [{{{Pid,'$1'}}, [], ['$1']}]), case lists:keymember(g, 2, Keys) of true -> leader_cast({pid_is_DOWN, Pid}); false -> ok end, ets:select_delete(?TAB, [{{{Pid,'_'}}, [], [true]}]), ets:delete(?TAB, Pid), lists:foreach(fun(Key) -> gproc_lib:remove_reg_1(Key, Pid) end, Keys), {ok, S}; handle_info(_, S) -> {ok, S}. elected(S, _E) -> Globs = ets:select(?TAB, [{{{{'_',g,'_'},'_'},'_','_'},[],['$_']}]), {ok, {globals, Globs}, S#state{is_leader = true}}. surrendered(S, {globals, Globs}, _E) -> %% globals from this node should be more correct in our table than %% in the leader's surrendered_1(Globs), {ok, S#state{is_leader = false}}. handle_DOWN(Node, S, _E) -> Head = {{{'_',g,'_'},'_'},'$1','_'}, Gs = [{'==', {node,'$1'},Node}], Globs = ets:select(?TAB, [{Head, Gs, [{element,1,'$_'}]}]), ets:select_delete(?TAB, [{Head, Gs, [true]}]), {ok, [{delete, Globs}], S}. handle_leader_call({reg, {C,g,Name} = K, Value, Pid}, _From, S, _E) -> case gproc_lib:insert_reg(K, Value, Pid, g) of false -> {reply, badarg, S}; true -> gproc_lib:ensure_monitor(Pid), Vals = if C == a -> ets:lookup(?TAB, {K,a}); C == c -> case ets:lookup(?TAB, {{a,g,Name},a}) of [] -> ets:lookup(?TAB, {K,Pid}); [AC] -> [AC | ets:lookup(?TAB, {K,Pid})] end; C == n -> [{{K,n},Pid,Value}]; true -> [{{K,Pid},Pid,Value}] end, {reply, true, [{insert, Vals}], S} end; handle_leader_call({unreg, {T,g,Name} = K, Pid}, _From, S, _E) -> Key = if T == n; T == a -> {K,T}; true -> {K, Pid} end, case ets:member(?TAB, Key) of true -> gproc_lib:remove_reg(K, Pid), if T == c -> case ets:lookup(?TAB, {{a,g,Name},a}) of [Aggr] -> %% updated by remove_reg/2 {reply, true, [{delete,[{Key,Pid}]}, {insert, [Aggr]}], S}; [] -> {reply, true, [{delete, [{Key, Pid}]}], S} end; true -> {reply, true, [{delete, [{Key,Pid}]}], S} end; false -> {reply, badarg, S} end; handle_leader_call({mreg, T, g, L, Pid}, _From, S, _E) -> if T==p; T==n -> try gproc_lib:insert_many(T, g, Pid, L) of {true,Objs} -> {reply, true, [{insert,Objs}], S}; false -> {reply, badarg, S} catch error:_ -> {reply, badarg, S} end; true -> {reply, badarg, S} end; handle_leader_call({set,{T,g,N} =K,V,Pid}, _From, S, _E) -> if T == a -> if is_integer(V) -> case gproc_lib:do_set_value(K, V, Pid) of true -> {reply, true, [{insert,[{{K,T},Pid,V}]}], S}; false -> {reply, badarg, S} end end; T == c -> try gproc_lib:do_set_counter_value(K, V, Pid), AKey = {{a,g,N},a}, Aggr = ets:lookup(?TAB, AKey), % may be [] {reply, true, [{insert, [{{K,Pid},Pid,V} | Aggr]}], S} catch error:_ -> {reply, badarg, S} end; true -> case gproc_lib:do_set_value(K, V, Pid) of true -> Obj = if T==n -> {{K, T}, Pid, V}; true -> {{K, Pid}, Pid, V} end, {reply, true, [{insert,[Obj]}], S}; false -> {reply, badarg, S} end end; handle_leader_call(_, _, S, _E) -> {reply, badarg, S}. handle_leader_cast({add_globals, Missing}, S, _E) -> %% This is an audit message: a peer (non-leader) had info about granted %% global resources that we didn't know of when we became leader. %% This could happen due to a race condition when the old leader died. ets:insert(?TAB, Missing), {ok, [{insert, Missing}], S}; handle_leader_cast({remove_globals, Globals}, S, _E) -> delete_globals(Globals), {ok, S}; handle_leader_cast({pid_is_DOWN, Pid}, S, _E) -> Globals = ets:select(?TAB, [{{{Pid,'$1'}}, [{'==',{element,2,'$1'},g}],['$1']}]), ets:select_delete(?TAB, [{{{Pid,{'_',g,'_'}}},[],[true]}]), ets:delete(?TAB, Pid), Modified = lists:foldl( fun({T,_,_}=K,A) when T==a;T==n -> ets:delete(?TAB, {K,T}), A; ({c,_,_}=K,A) -> gproc_lib:cleanup_counter(K, Pid, A); (K,A) -> ets:delete(?TAB, {K,Pid}), A end, [], Globals), case [{Op,Objs} || {Op,Objs} <- [{insert,Modified}, {remove,Globals}], Objs =/= []] of [] -> {ok, S}; Broadcast -> {ok, Broadcast, S} end. code_change(_FromVsn, S, _Extra, _E) -> {ok, S}. terminate(_Reason, _S) -> ok. from_leader(Ops, S, _E) -> lists:foreach( fun({delete, Globals}) -> delete_globals(Globals); ({insert, Globals}) -> ets:insert(?TAB, Globals), lists:foreach( fun({{{_,g,_}=Key,_}, P, _}) -> ets:insert(?TAB, {{P,Key}}), gproc_lib:ensure_monitor(P) end, Globals) end, Ops), {ok, S}. delete_globals(Globals) -> lists:foreach( fun({{Key,_}=K, Pid}) -> ets:delete(?TAB, K), ets:delete(?TAB, {{Pid, Key}}) end, Globals). leader_call(Req) -> case gen_leader:leader_call(?MODULE, Req) of badarg -> erlang:error(badarg, Req); Reply -> Reply end. leader_cast(Msg) -> gen_leader:leader_cast(?MODULE, Msg). init([]) -> {ok, #state{}}. surrendered_1(Globs) -> My_local_globs = ets:select(?TAB, [{{{{'_',g,'_'},'_'},'$1', '_'}, [{'==', {node,'$1'}, node()}], ['$_']}]), %% remove all remote globals - we don't have monitors on them. ets:select_delete(?TAB, [{{{{'_',g,'_'},'_'}, '$1', '_'}, [{'=/=', {node,'$1'}, node()}], [true]}]), %% insert new non-local globals, collect the leader's version of %% what my globals are Ldr_local_globs = lists:foldl( fun({{Key,_}=K, Pid, V}, Acc) when node(Pid) =/= node() -> ets:insert(?TAB, [{K, Pid, V}, {{Pid,Key}}]), Acc; ({_, Pid, _} = Obj, Acc) when node(Pid) == node() -> [Obj|Acc] end, [], Globs), case [{K,P,V} || {K,P,V} <- My_local_globs, not(lists:keymember(K, 1, Ldr_local_globs))] of [] -> %% phew! We have the same picture ok; [_|_] = Missing -> %% This is very unlikely, I think leader_cast({add_globals, Missing}) end, case [{K,P} || {K,P,_} <- Ldr_local_globs, not(lists:keymember(K, 1, My_local_globs))] of [] -> ok; [_|_] = Remove -> leader_cast({remove_globals, Remove}) end.