%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB. %% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings %% AB. All Rights Reserved.'' %% %% @author Ulf Wiger %% %% @doc Extended process registry %%

This module implements an extended process registry


For a detailed description, see gproc/doc/erlang07-wiger.pdf.

%% @end -module(gproc_lib). -compile(export_all). -include("gproc.hrl"). insert_reg({T,_,Name} = K, Value, Pid, C) when T==a; T==n -> %%% We want to store names and aggregated counters with the same %%% structure as properties, but at the same time, we must ensure %%% that the key is unique. We replace the Pid in the key part %%% with an atom. To know which Pid owns the object, we lug the %%% Pid around as payload as well. This is a bit redundant, but %%% symmetric. %%% case ets:insert_new(?TAB, [{{K, T}, Pid, Value}, {{Pid,K}}]) of true -> if T==a -> Initial = scan_existing_counters(C, Name), ets:insert(?TAB, {{K,a}, Pid, Initial}); true -> true end, true; false -> false end; insert_reg({c,l,Ctr} = Key, Value, Pid, _C) -> %% Non-unique keys; store Pid in the key part K = {Key, Pid}, Kr = {Pid, Key}, Res = ets:insert_new(?TAB, [{K, Pid, Value}, {Kr}]), update_aggr_counter(l, Ctr, Value), Res; insert_reg(Key, Value, Pid, _C) -> %% Non-unique keys; store Pid in the key part K = {Key, Pid}, Kr = {Pid, Key}, ets:insert_new(?TAB, [{K, Pid, Value}, {Kr}]). insert_many(T, C, KVL, Pid) -> Objs = mk_reg_objs(T, C, Pid, KVL), case ets:insert_new(?TAB, Objs) of true -> RevObjs = mk_reg_rev_objs(T, C, Pid, KVL), ets:insert(?TAB, RevObjs), {true, Objs}; false -> false end. mk_reg_objs(T, C, _, L) when T==n; T==a -> lists:map(fun({K,V}) -> {{{T,C,K},T}, V}; (_) -> erlang:error(badarg) end, L); mk_reg_objs(p = T, C, Pid, L) -> lists:map(fun({K,V}) -> {{{T,C,K},Pid}, V}; (_) -> erlang:error(badarg) end, L). mk_reg_rev_objs(T, C, Pid, L) -> [{Pid,{T,C,K}} || {K,_} <- L]. ensure_monitor(Pid) when node(Pid)==node() -> case ets:insert_new(?TAB, {Pid}) of false -> ok; true -> erlang:monitor(process, Pid) end; ensure_monitor(_) -> true. remove_reg(Key, Pid) -> remove_reg_1(Key, Pid), ets:delete(?TAB, {Pid,Key}). remove_reg_1({c,_,_} = Key, Pid) -> remove_counter_1(Key, ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {Key,Pid}, 3), Pid); remove_reg_1({T,_,_} = Key, _Pid) when T==a; T==n -> ets:delete(?TAB, {Key,T}); remove_reg_1({_,_,_} = Key, Pid) -> ets:delete(?TAB, {Key, Pid}). remove_counter_1({c,C,N} = Key, Val, Pid) -> Res = ets:delete(?TAB, {Key, Pid}), update_aggr_counter(C, N, -Val), Res. do_set_value({T,_,_} = Key, Value, Pid) -> K2 = if T==n orelse T==a -> T; true -> Pid end, case (catch ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {Key,K2}, 2)) of {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} -> false; Pid -> ets:insert(?TAB, {{Key, K2}, Pid, Value}); _ -> false end. do_set_counter_value({_,C,N} = Key, Value, Pid) -> OldVal = ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {Key, Pid}, 3), % may fail with badarg Res = ets:insert(?TAB, {{Key, Pid}, Pid, Value}), update_aggr_counter(C, N, Value - OldVal), Res. update_counter({c,l,Ctr} = Key, Incr, Pid) -> Res = ets:update_counter(?TAB, {Key, Pid}, {3,Incr}), update_aggr_counter(l, Ctr, Incr), Res. update_aggr_counter(C, N, Val) -> catch ets:update_counter(?TAB, {{a,C,N},a}, {3, Val}). cleanup_counter({c,g,N}=K, Pid, Acc) -> remove_reg(K,Pid), case ets:lookup(?TAB, {{a,g,N},a}) of [Aggr] -> [Aggr|Acc]; [] -> Acc end; cleanup_counter(K, Pid, Acc) -> remove_reg(K,Pid), Acc. scan_existing_counters(Ctxt, Name) -> Head = {{{c,Ctxt,Name},'_'},'_','$1'}, Cs = ets:select(?TAB, [{Head, [], ['$1']}]), lists:sum(Cs).