Behaviours: gen_leader.
Authors: Ulf Wiger (
This module implements an extended process registry
For a detailed description, see gproc/doc/erlang07-wiger.pdf.
code_change/4 | |
elected/2 | |
first/1 | |
from_leader/3 | |
get_value/1 | Read the value stored with a key registered to the current process. |
go_global/0 | |
go_global/1 | |
handle_DOWN/3 | |
handle_call/3 | |
handle_cast/2 | |
handle_info/2 | |
handle_leader_call/4 | |
handle_leader_cast/3 | |
info/1 | |
info/2 | |
init/1 | |
last/1 | |
mreg/3 | |
next/2 | |
prev/2 | |
reg/2 | Class = n - unique name | p - non-unique property | c - counter | a - aggregated counter Scope = l | g (global or local). |
select/1 | |
select/2 | |
send/2 | |
set_value/2 | |
start_link/0 | |
start_link/1 | |
start_local/0 | |
surrendered/3 | |
table/1 | |
table/2 | |
terminate/2 | |
unreg/1 | |
update_counter/2 |
code_change(FromVsn, S, Extra, E) -> any()
elected(S, E) -> any()
first(Scope) -> any()
from_leader(Ops, S, E) -> any()
get_value(Key) -> Value
Read the value stored with a key registered to the current process.
go_global() -> any()
go_global(Nodes) -> any()
handle_DOWN(Node, S, E) -> any()
handle_call(X1, X2, S) -> any()
handle_cast(X1, S) -> any()
handle_info(X1, S) -> any()
handle_leader_call(X1, From, State, E) -> any()
handle_leader_cast(X1, State, E) -> any()
info(Pid) -> any()
info(Pid, I) -> any()
init(X1) -> any()
last(Scope) -> any()
mreg(T, X2, KVL) -> any()
next(Scope, K) -> any()
prev(Scope, K) -> any()
reg(Key, Value) -> any()
Class = n - unique name | p - non-unique property | c - counter | a - aggregated counter Scope = l | g (global or local)
select(Pat) -> any()
select(Scope, Pat) -> any()
send(Key, Msg) -> any()
set_value(Key, Value) -> any()
start_link() -> any()
start_link(Nodes) -> any()
start_local() -> any()
surrendered(S, X2, E) -> any()
table(Scope) -> any()
table(T, Opts) -> any()
terminate(Reason, S) -> any()
unreg(Key) -> any()
update_counter(Key, Incr) -> any()
Generated by EDoc, Sep 4 2008, 11:29:40.