%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB. %% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings %% AB. All Rights Reserved.'' %% %% $Id $ %% -module(epp). %% An Erlang code preprocessor. -export([open/2,open/3,close/1,format_error/1]). -export([scan_erl_form/1,parse_erl_form/1,macro_defs/1]). -export([parse_file/3]). -export([interpret_file_attribute/1]). %% Epp state record. -record(epp, {file, %Current file line=1, %Current line number name="", %Current file name istk=[], %Ifdef stack sstk=[], %State stack path=[], %Include-path macs=dict:new(), %Macros uses=dict:new(), %Macro use structure scanf=scan_erl_form %token scanning function }). %%% Note on representation: as tokens, both {var, Line, Name} and %%% {atom, Line, Name} can occur as macro identifiers. However, keeping %%% this distinction here is done for historical reasons only: previously, %%% ?FOO and ?'FOO' were not the same, but now they are. Removing the %%% distinction in the internal representation would simplify the code %%% a little. %% open(FileName, IncludePath) %% open(FileName, IncludePath, PreDefMacros) %% close(Epp) %% scan_erl_form(Epp) %% parse_erl_form(Epp) %% macro_defs(Epp) open(File, Path) -> open(File, Path, []). open(File, Path, Pdm) -> Self = self(), Epp = spawn(fun() -> server(Self, File, Path, Pdm) end), epp_request(Epp). close(Epp) -> %% Make sure that close is synchronous as a courtesy to test %% cases that test for resource leaks. Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Epp), R = epp_request(Epp, close), receive {'DOWN',Ref,_,_,_} -> ok end, R. scan_erl_form(Epp) -> epp_request(Epp, scan_erl_form). parse_erl_form(Epp) -> case epp_request(Epp, scan_erl_form) of {ok,Toks} -> erl_parse:parse_form(Toks); Other -> Other end. macro_defs(Epp) -> epp_request(Epp, macro_defs). %% format_error(ErrorDescriptor) -> String %% Return a string describing the error. format_error(cannot_parse) -> io_lib:format("cannot parse file, giving up", []); format_error({bad,W}) -> io_lib:format("badly formed '~s'", [W]); format_error({call,What}) -> io_lib:format("illegal macro call '~s'",[What]); format_error({undefined,M}) -> io_lib:format("undefined macro '~w'", [M]); format_error({depth,What}) -> io_lib:format("~s too deep",[What]); format_error({mismatch,M}) -> io_lib:format("argument mismatch for macro '~w'", [M]); format_error({arg_error,M}) -> io_lib:format("badly formed argument for macro '~w'", [M]); format_error({redefine,M}) -> io_lib:format("redefining macro '~w'", [M]); format_error({circular,M}) -> io_lib:format("circular macro '~w'", [M]); format_error({include,W,F}) -> io_lib:format("can't find include ~s \"~s\"", [W,F]); format_error({illegal,How,What}) -> io_lib:format("~s '-~s'", [How,What]); format_error({'NYI',What}) -> io_lib:format("not yet implemented '~s'", [What]); format_error(E) -> file:format_error(E). %% parse_file(FileName, IncludePath, [PreDefMacro]) -> %% {ok,[Form]} | {error,OpenError} parse_file(Ifile, Path, Predefs) -> case open(Ifile, Path, Predefs) of {ok,Epp} -> Forms = parse_file(Epp), close(Epp), {ok,Forms}; {error,E} -> {error,E} end. %% parse_file(Epp) -> %% [Form] parse_file(Epp) -> case parse_erl_form(Epp) of {ok,Form} -> case Form of {attribute,La,record,{Record, Fields}} -> case normalize_typed_record_fields(Fields) of {typed, NewFields} -> [{attribute, La, record, {Record, NewFields}}, {attribute, La, type, {{record, Record}, Fields, []}} |parse_file(Epp)]; not_typed -> [Form|parse_file(Epp)] end; _ -> [Form|parse_file(Epp)] end; {error,E} -> [{error,E}|parse_file(Epp)]; {eof,Line} -> [{eof,Line}] end. normalize_typed_record_fields(Fields) -> normalize_typed_record_fields(Fields, [], false). normalize_typed_record_fields([], NewFields, Typed) -> case Typed of true -> {typed, lists:reverse(NewFields)}; false -> not_typed end; normalize_typed_record_fields([{typed_record_field,Field,_}|Rest], NewFields, _Typed) -> normalize_typed_record_fields(Rest, [Field|NewFields], true); normalize_typed_record_fields([Field|Rest], NewFields, Typed) -> normalize_typed_record_fields(Rest, [Field|NewFields], Typed). %% server(StarterPid, FileName, Path, PreDefMacros) server(Pid, Name, Path, Pdm) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), case file:open(Name, [read]) of {ok,File} -> Ms0 = predef_macros(Name), case user_predef(Pdm, Ms0) of {ok,Ms1} -> epp_reply(Pid, {ok,self()}), St = #epp{file=File,name=Name,path=Path,macs=Ms1}, From = wait_request(St), enter_file_reply(From, Name, 1, 1), wait_req_scan(St); {error,E} -> epp_reply(Pid, {error,E}) end; {error,E} -> epp_reply(Pid, {error,E}) end. %% predef_macros(FileName) -> Macrodict %% Initialise the macro dictionary with the default predefined macros, %% FILE, LINE, MODULE as undefined, MACHINE and MACHINE value. predef_macros(File) -> Ms0 = dict:new(), Ms1 = dict:store({atom,'FILE'}, {none,[{string,1,File}]}, Ms0), Ms2 = dict:store({atom,'LINE'}, {none,[{integer,1,1}]}, Ms1), Ms3 = dict:store({atom,'MODULE'}, undefined, Ms2), Ms4 = dict:store({atom,'MODULE_STRING'}, undefined, Ms3), Ms5 = dict:store({atom,'BASE_MODULE'}, undefined, Ms4), Ms6 = dict:store({atom,'BASE_MODULE_STRING'}, undefined, Ms5), Machine = list_to_atom(erlang:system_info(machine)), Ms7 = dict:store({atom,'MACHINE'}, {none,[{atom,1,Machine}]}, Ms6), dict:store({atom,Machine}, {none,[{atom,1,true}]}, Ms7). %% user_predef(PreDefMacros, Macros) -> %% {ok,MacroDict} | {error,E} %% Add the predefined macros to the macros dictionary. A macro without a %% value gets the value 'true'. user_predef([{M,Val}|Pdm], Ms) when is_atom(M) -> case dict:find({atom,M}, Ms) of {ok,_Def} -> {error,{redefine,M}}; error -> Exp = erl_parse:tokens(erl_parse:abstract(Val)), user_predef(Pdm, dict:store({atom,M}, {none,Exp}, Ms)) end; user_predef([M|Pdm], Ms) when is_atom(M) -> case dict:find({atom,M}, Ms) of {ok,_Def} -> {error,{redefine,M}}; error -> user_predef(Pdm, dict:store({atom,M}, {none,[{atom,1,true}]}, Ms)) end; user_predef([Md|_Pdm], _Ms) -> {error,{bad,Md}}; user_predef([], Ms) -> {ok,Ms}. %% wait_request(EppState) -> RequestFrom %% wait_req_scan(EppState) %% wait_req_skip(EppState, SkipIstack) %% Handle requests, processing trivial requests directly. Either return %% requestor or scan/skip tokens. wait_request(St) -> receive {epp_request,From,scan_erl_form} -> From; {epp_request,From,macro_defs} -> epp_reply(From, dict:to_list(St#epp.macs)), wait_request(St); {epp_request,From,close} -> file:close(St#epp.file), epp_reply(From, ok), exit(normal); {'EXIT',_,R} -> exit(R); Other -> io:fwrite("Epp: unknown '~w'\n", [Other]), wait_request(St) end. wait_req_scan(St) -> From = wait_request(St), scan_toks(From, St). wait_req_skip(St, Sis) -> From = wait_request(St), skip_toks(From, St, Sis). %% enter_file(Path, FileName, IncludeLine, From, EppState) %% leave_file(From, EppState) %% Handle entering and leaving included files. Notify caller when the %% current file is changed. Note it is an error to exit a file if we are %% in a conditional. These functions never return. enter_file(_Path, _NewName, Li, From, St) when length(St#epp.sstk) >= 8 -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Li,epp,{depth,"include"}}}), wait_req_scan(St); enter_file(Path, NewName, Li, From, St) -> case file:path_open(Path, NewName, [read]) of {ok,NewF,Pname} -> wait_req_scan(enter_file2(NewF, Pname, From, St, 1)); {error,_E} -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Li,epp,{include,file,NewName}}}), wait_req_scan(St) end. %% enter_file2(File, FullName, From, EppState, AtLine) -> EppState. %% Set epp to use this file and "enter" it. enter_file2(NewF, Pname, From, St, AtLine) -> enter_file2(NewF, Pname, From, St, AtLine, []). enter_file2(NewF, Pname, From, St, AtLine, ExtraPath) -> enter_file_reply(From, Pname, 1, AtLine), Ms = dict:store({atom,'FILE'}, {none,[{string,1,Pname}]}, St#epp.macs), Path = St#epp.path ++ ExtraPath, #epp{file=NewF,name=Pname,sstk=[St|St#epp.sstk],path=Path,macs=Ms}. enter_file_reply(From, Name, Line, AtLine) -> Rep = {ok, [{'-',AtLine},{atom,AtLine,file},{'(',AtLine}, {string,AtLine,file_name(Name)},{',',AtLine}, {integer,AtLine,Line},{')',Line},{dot,AtLine}]}, epp_reply(From, Rep). %% Flatten filename to a string. Must be a valid filename. file_name([C | T]) when is_integer(C), C > 0, C =< 255 -> [C | file_name(T)]; file_name([H|T]) -> file_name(H) ++ file_name(T); file_name([]) -> []; file_name(N) when is_atom(N) -> atom_to_list(N). leave_file(From, St) -> case St#epp.istk of [I|Cis] -> epp_reply(From, {error,{St#epp.line,epp, {illegal,"unterminated",I}}}), leave_file(wait_request(St),St#epp{istk=Cis}); [] -> case St#epp.sstk of [OldSt|Sts] -> file:close(St#epp.file), enter_file_reply(From, OldSt#epp.name, OldSt#epp.line, OldSt#epp.line), Ms = dict:store({atom,'FILE'}, {none, [{string,OldSt#epp.line,OldSt#epp.name}]}, St#epp.macs), wait_req_scan(OldSt#epp{sstk=Sts,macs=Ms}); [] -> epp_reply(From, {eof,St#epp.line}), wait_req_scan(St) end end. %% scan_toks(From, EppState) %% scan_toks(Tokens, From, EppState) scan_toks(From, St) -> Scan = St#epp.scanf, % typically 'scan_erl_form' or 'scan_erl_form_ind' case io:Scan(St#epp.file, '', St#epp.line) of {ok,Toks,Cl} -> io:fwrite("Toks = ~p~n", [Toks]), scan_toks(Toks, From, St#epp{line=Cl}); {error,E,Cl} -> epp_reply(From, {error,E}), wait_req_scan(St#epp{line=Cl}); {eof,Cl} -> leave_file(From, St#epp{line=Cl}); {error,_E} -> epp_reply(From, {error,{St#epp.line,epp,cannot_parse}}), leave_file(From, St) %This serious, just exit! end. %%% UW scan_toks([{'-',_Lh}=T1,{atom,Li,scan}=T2,{'(',_}=T3, {atom,Lm,Mode}=T4,{')',Lr}=T5,{dot,_}=T6|Toks], From, St) -> RepToks = [T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6], case scanf(Mode) of {ok,F} -> epp_reply(From, {ok, RepToks}), wait_req_scan(St#epp{scanf=F, line=Lr}); {error, E} -> epp_reply(From, {error,E}), wait_req_scan(St#epp{line=Lr}) end; %%% scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Ld,define}|Toks], From, St) -> scan_define(Toks, Ld, From, St); scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Ld,undef}|Toks], From, St) -> scan_undef(Toks, Ld, From, St); scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Li,include}|Toks], From, St) -> scan_include(Toks, abs(Li), From, St); scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Li,include_lib}|Toks], From, St) -> scan_include_lib(Toks, abs(Li), From, St); scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Li,ifdef}|Toks], From, St) -> scan_ifdef(Toks, Li, From, St); scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Li,ifndef}|Toks], From, St) -> scan_ifndef(Toks, Li, From, St); scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Le,else}|Toks], From, St) -> scan_else(Toks, Le, From, St); scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Le,'if'}|Toks], From, St) -> scan_if(Toks, Le, From, St); scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Le,elif}|Toks], From, St) -> scan_elif(Toks, Le, From, St); scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Le,endif}|Toks], From, St) -> scan_endif(Toks, Le, From, St); scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,Lf,file}|Toks0], From, St) -> case catch expand_macros(Toks0, {St#epp.macs, St#epp.uses}) of Toks1 when is_list(Toks1) -> scan_file(Toks1, Lf, From, St); {error,ErrL,What} -> epp_reply(From, {error,{ErrL,epp,What}}), wait_req_scan(St) end; scan_toks(Toks0, From, St) -> case catch expand_macros(Toks0, {St#epp.macs, St#epp.uses}) of Toks1 when is_list(Toks1) -> epp_reply(From, {ok,Toks1}), wait_req_scan(St#epp{macs=scan_module(Toks1, St#epp.macs)}); {error,ErrL,What} -> epp_reply(From, {error,{ErrL,epp,What}}), wait_req_scan(St) end. %%% UW scanf(indentation) -> {ok, iscan_erl_form}; scanf(normal) -> {ok, scan_erl_form}; scanf(M) -> {error, {invalid_scan_mode,M}}. scan_module([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Lm,module},{'(',_Ll}|Ts], Ms) -> scan_module_1(Ts, [], Ms); scan_module([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Lm,extends},{'(',_Ll}|Ts], Ms) -> scan_extends(Ts, [], Ms); scan_module(_Ts, Ms) -> Ms. scan_module_1([{atom,_,_}=A,{',',L}|Ts], As, Ms) -> %% Parameterized modules. scan_module_1([A,{')',L}|Ts], As, Ms); scan_module_1([{atom,Ln,A},{')',_Lr}|_Ts], As, Ms0) -> Mod = lists:concat(lists:reverse([A|As])), Ms = dict:store({atom,'MODULE'}, {none,[{atom,Ln,list_to_atom(Mod)}]}, Ms0), dict:store({atom,'MODULE_STRING'}, {none,[{string,Ln,Mod}]}, Ms); scan_module_1([{atom,_Ln,A},{'.',_Lr}|Ts], As, Ms) -> scan_module_1(Ts, [".",A|As], Ms); scan_module_1([{'.',_Lr}|Ts], As, Ms) -> scan_module_1(Ts, As, Ms); scan_module_1(_Ts, _As, Ms) -> Ms. scan_extends([{atom,Ln,A},{')',_Lr}|_Ts], As, Ms0) -> Mod = lists:concat(lists:reverse([A|As])), Ms = dict:store({atom,'BASE_MODULE'}, {none,[{atom,Ln,list_to_atom(Mod)}]}, Ms0), dict:store({atom,'BASE_MODULE_STRING'}, {none,[{string,Ln,Mod}]}, Ms); scan_extends([{atom,_Ln,A},{'.',_Lr}|Ts], As, Ms) -> scan_extends(Ts, [".",A|As], Ms); scan_extends([{'.',_Lr}|Ts], As, Ms) -> scan_extends(Ts, As, Ms); scan_extends(_Ts, _As, Ms) -> Ms. %% scan_define(Tokens, DefineLine, From, EppState) scan_define([{'(',_Lp},{atom,Lm,M},{',',_Lc}|Toks], _Ld, From, St) -> case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of {ok,_Def} -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Lm,epp,{redefine,M}}}), wait_req_scan(St); error -> scan_define_cont(From, St, {atom, M}, {none,macro_expansion(Toks)}) end; scan_define([{'(',_Lp},{atom,Lm,M},{'(',_Lc}|Toks], Ld, From, St) -> case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of {ok,_Def} -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Lm,epp,{redefine,M}}}), wait_req_scan(St); error -> case catch macro_pars(Toks, []) of {ok, {As, Me}} -> scan_define_cont(From, St, {atom, M}, {As, Me}); _ -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Ld,epp,{bad,define}}}), wait_req_scan(St) end end; scan_define([{'(',_Lp},{var,Lm,M},{',',_Lc}|Toks], _Ld, From, St) -> case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of {ok,_Def} -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Lm,epp,{redefine,M}}}), wait_req_scan(St); error -> scan_define_cont(From, St, {atom, M}, {none,macro_expansion(Toks)}) end; scan_define([{'(',_Lp},{var,Lm,M},{'(',_Lc}|Toks], Ld, From, St) -> case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of {ok,_Def} -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Lm,epp,{redefine,M}}}), wait_req_scan(St); error -> case catch macro_pars(Toks, []) of {ok, {As, Me}} -> scan_define_cont(From, St, {atom, M}, {As, Me}); _ -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Ld,epp,{bad,define}}}), wait_req_scan(St) end end; scan_define(_Toks, Ld, From, St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Ld,epp,{bad,define}}}), wait_req_scan(St). %%% Detection of circular macro expansions (which would either keep %%% the compiler looping forever, or run out of memory): %%% When a macro is defined, we store the names of other macros it %%% uses in St#epp.uses. If any macro is undef'ed, that information %%% becomes invalid, so we redo it for all remaining macros. %%% The circularity detection itself is done when a macro is expanded: %%% the information from St#epp.uses is traversed, and if a circularity %%% is detected, an error message is thrown. scan_define_cont(F, St, M, Def) -> Ms = dict:store(M, Def, St#epp.macs), U = dict:store(M, macro_uses(Def), St#epp.uses), scan_toks(F, St#epp{uses=U, macs=Ms}). macro_uses(undefined) -> undefined; macro_uses({_Args, Tokens}) -> Uses0 = macro_ref(Tokens), lists:usort(Uses0). macro_ref([]) -> []; macro_ref([{'?', _}, {'?', _} | Rest]) -> macro_ref(Rest); macro_ref([{'?', _}, {atom, _, A} | Rest]) -> [{atom, A} | macro_ref(Rest)]; macro_ref([{'?', _}, {var, _, A} | Rest]) -> [{atom, A} | macro_ref(Rest)]; macro_ref([_Token | Rest]) -> macro_ref(Rest). all_macro_uses(D0) -> L = dict:to_list(D0), D = dict:new(), add_macro_uses(L, D). add_macro_uses([], D) -> D; add_macro_uses([{Key, Def} | Rest], D0) -> add_macro_uses(Rest, dict:store(Key, macro_uses(Def), D0)). %% scan_undef(Tokens, UndefLine, From, EppState) scan_undef([{'(',_Llp},{atom,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _Lu, From, St) -> scan_toks(From, St#epp{macs=dict:erase({atom,M}, St#epp.macs), uses=all_macro_uses(St#epp.macs)}); scan_undef([{'(',_Llp},{var,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _Lu, From,St) -> scan_toks(From, St#epp{macs=dict:erase({atom,M}, St#epp.macs), uses=all_macro_uses(St#epp.macs)}); scan_undef(_Toks, Lu, From,St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Lu,epp,{bad,undef}}}), wait_req_scan(St). %% scan_include(Tokens, IncludeLine, From, St) scan_include([{'(',_Llp},{string,_Lf,NewName0},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], Li, From, St) -> NewName = expand_var(NewName0), enter_file(St#epp.path, NewName, Li, From, St); scan_include(_Toks, Li, From, St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Li,epp,{bad,include}}}), wait_req_scan(St). %% scan_include_lib(Tokens, IncludeLine, From, EppState) %% For include_lib we first test if we can find the file through the %% normal search path, if not we assume that the first directory name %% is a library name, find its true directory and try with that. find_lib_dir(NewName) -> [Lib | Rest] = filename:split(NewName), {code:lib_dir(list_to_atom(Lib)), Rest}. scan_include_lib([{'(',_Llp},{string,_Lf,_NewName0},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], Li, From, St) when length(St#epp.sstk) >= 8 -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Li,epp,{depth,"include_lib"}}}), wait_req_scan(St); scan_include_lib([{'(',_Llp},{string,_Lf,NewName0},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], Li, From, St) -> NewName = expand_var(NewName0), case file:path_open(St#epp.path, NewName, [read]) of {ok,NewF,Pname} -> wait_req_scan(enter_file2(NewF, Pname, From, St, 1)); {error,_E1} -> case catch find_lib_dir(NewName) of {LibDir, Rest} when is_list(LibDir) -> LibName = filename:join([LibDir | Rest]), case file:open(LibName, [read]) of {ok,NewF} -> ExtraPath = [filename:dirname(LibName)], wait_req_scan(enter_file2(NewF, LibName, From, St, 1, ExtraPath)); {error,_E2} -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Li,epp,{include,lib,NewName}}}), wait_req_scan(St) end; _Error -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Li,epp,{include,lib,NewName}}}), wait_req_scan(St) end end; scan_include_lib(_Toks, Li, From, St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Li,epp,{bad,include_lib}}}), wait_req_scan(St). %% scan_ifdef(Tokens, IfdefLine, From, EppState) %% scan_ifndef(Tokens, IfdefLine, From, EppSate) %% Handle the conditional parsing of a file. %% Report a badly formed if[n]def test and then treat as undefined macro. scan_ifdef([{'(',_Llp},{atom,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _Li, From, St) -> case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of {ok,_Def} -> scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=[ifdef|St#epp.istk]}); error -> skip_toks(From, St, [ifdef]) end; scan_ifdef([{'(',_Llp},{var,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _Li, From, St) -> case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of {ok,_Def} -> scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=[ifdef|St#epp.istk]}); error -> skip_toks(From, St, [ifdef]) end; scan_ifdef(_Toks, Li, From, St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Li,epp,{bad,ifdef}}}), wait_req_skip(St, [ifdef]). scan_ifndef([{'(',_Llp},{atom,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _Li, From, St) -> case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of {ok,_Def} -> skip_toks(From, St, [ifndef]); error -> scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=[ifndef|St#epp.istk]}) end; scan_ifndef([{'(',_Llp},{var,_Lm,M},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], _Li, From, St) -> case dict:find({atom,M}, St#epp.macs) of {ok,_Def} -> skip_toks(From, St, [ifndef]); error -> scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=[ifndef|St#epp.istk]}) end; scan_ifndef(_Toks, Li, From, St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Li,epp,{bad,ifndef}}}), wait_req_scan(St). %% scan_else(Tokens, ElseLine, From, EppState) %% If we are in an if body then convert to else and skip, if we are in an %% else or not in anything report an error. scan_else([{dot,_Ld}], Le, From, St) -> case St#epp.istk of [else|Cis] -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Le,epp,{illegal,"repeated",else}}}), wait_req_skip(St#epp{istk=Cis}, [else]); [_I|Cis] -> skip_toks(From, St#epp{istk=Cis}, [else]); [] -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Le,epp,{illegal,"unbalanced",else}}}), wait_req_scan(St) end; scan_else(_Toks, Le, From, St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Le,epp,{bad,else}}}), wait_req_scan(St). %% scan_if(Tokens, EndifLine, From, EppState) %% Handle the conditional parsing of a file. %% Report a badly formed if test and then treat as false macro. scan_if(_Toks, Le, From, St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Le,epp,{'NYI','if'}}}), wait_req_skip(St, ['if']). %% scan_elif(Tokens, EndifLine, From, EppState) %% Handle the conditional parsing of a file. %% Report a badly formed if test and then treat as false macro. scan_elif(_Toks, Le, From, St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Le,epp,{'NYI','elif'}}}), wait_req_skip(St, ['elif']). %% scan_endif(Tokens, EndifLine, From, EppState) %% If we are in an if body then exit it, else report an error. scan_endif([{dot,_Ld}], Le, From, St) -> case St#epp.istk of [_I|Cis] -> scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=Cis}); [] -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Le,epp,{illegal,"unbalanced",endif}}}), wait_req_scan(St) end; scan_endif(_Toks, Le, From, St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Le,epp,{bad,endif}}}), wait_req_scan(St). %% scan_file(Tokens, FileLine, From, EppState) %% Set the current file and line to the given file and line. %% Note that the line of the attribute itself is kept. scan_file([{'(',_Llp},{string,_Ls,Name},{',',_Lc},{integer,_Li,Ln},{')',_Lrp}, {dot,_Ld}], Lf, From, St) -> enter_file_reply(From, Name, Ln, -abs(Lf)), Ms = dict:store({atom,'FILE'}, {none,[{string,1,Name}]}, St#epp.macs), scan_toks(From, St#epp{name=Name,line=Ln+(St#epp.line-Lf),macs=Ms}); scan_file(_Toks, Lf, From, St) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Lf,epp,{bad,file}}}), wait_req_scan(St). %% skip_toks(From, EppState, SkipIstack) %% Skip over forms until current conditional has been exited. Handle %% nested conditionals and repeated 'else's. skip_toks(From, St, [I|Sis]) -> Scan = St#epp.scanf, % typically scan_erl_form or scan_erl_form_ind case io:Scan(St#epp.file, '', St#epp.line) of {ok,[{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,ifdef}|_Toks],Cl} -> skip_toks(From, St#epp{line=Cl}, [ifdef,I|Sis]); {ok,[{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,ifndef}|_Toks],Cl} -> skip_toks(From, St#epp{line=Cl}, [ifndef,I|Sis]); {ok,[{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,'if'}|_Toks],Cl} -> skip_toks(From, St#epp{line=Cl}, ['if',I|Sis]); {ok,[{'-',_Lh},{atom,Le,else}|_Toks],Cl}-> skip_else(Le, From, St#epp{line=Cl}, [I|Sis]); {ok,[{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Le,endif}|_Toks],Cl} -> skip_toks(From, St#epp{line=Cl}, Sis); {ok,_Toks,Cl} -> skip_toks(From, St#epp{line=Cl}, [I|Sis]); {error,_E,Cl} -> skip_toks(From, St#epp{line=Cl}, [I|Sis]); {eof,Cl} -> leave_file(From, St#epp{line=Cl,istk=[I|Sis]}); {error,_E} -> epp_reply(From, {error,{St#epp.line,epp,cannot_parse}}), leave_file(From, St) %This serious, just exit! end; skip_toks(From, St, []) -> scan_toks(From, St). skip_else(Le, From, St, [else|Sis]) -> epp_reply(From, {error,{Le,epp,{illegal,"repeated",else}}}), wait_req_skip(St, [else|Sis]); skip_else(_Le, From, St, [_I]) -> scan_toks (From, St#epp{istk=[else|St#epp.istk]}); skip_else(_Le, From, St, Sis) -> skip_toks(From, St, Sis). %% macro_pars(Tokens, ArgStack) %% macro_expansion(Tokens) %% Extract the macro parameters and the expansion from a macro definition. macro_pars([{')',_Lp}, {',',_Ld}|Ex], Args) -> {ok, {lists:reverse(Args), macro_expansion(Ex)}}; macro_pars([{var,_,Name}, {')',_Lp}, {',',_Ld}|Ex], Args) -> false = lists:member(Name, Args), %Prolog is nice {ok, {lists:reverse([Name|Args]), macro_expansion(Ex)}}; macro_pars([{var,_L,Name}, {',',_}|Ts], Args) -> false = lists:member(Name, Args), macro_pars(Ts, [Name|Args]). macro_expansion([{')',_Lp},{dot,_Ld}]) -> []; macro_expansion([{dot,_Ld}]) -> []; %Be nice, allow no right paren! macro_expansion([T|Ts]) -> [T|macro_expansion(Ts)]. %% expand_macros(Tokens, Macros) %% expand_macro(Tokens, MacroLine, RestTokens) %% Expand the macros in a list of tokens, making sure that an expansion %% gets the same line number as the macro call. expand_macros(Type, Lm, M, Toks, Ms0) -> %% (Type will always be 'atom') {Ms, U} = Ms0, check_uses([{Type,M}], [], U, Lm), case dict:find({Type,M}, Ms) of {ok,{none,Exp}} -> expand_macros(expand_macro(Exp, Lm, Toks, dict:new()), Ms0); {ok,{As,Exp}} -> {Bs,Toks1} = bind_args(Toks, Lm, M, As, dict:new()), %%io:format("Bound arguments to macro ~w (~w)~n", [M,Bs]), expand_macros(expand_macro(Exp, Lm, Toks1, Bs), Ms0); {ok,undefined} -> throw({error,Lm,{undefined,M}}); error -> throw({error,Lm,{undefined,M}}) end. check_uses(undefined, _Anc, _U, _Lm) -> ok; check_uses([], _Anc, _U, _Lm) -> ok; check_uses([M|Rest], Anc, U, Lm) -> case lists:member(M, Anc) of true -> {_, Name} = M, throw({error,Lm,{circular,Name}}); false -> L = get_macro_uses(M, U), check_uses(L, [M|Anc], U, Lm), check_uses(Rest, Anc, U, Lm) end. get_macro_uses(M, U) -> case dict:find(M, U) of error -> []; {ok, L} -> L end. %% Macro expansion expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{atom,Lm,M}|Toks], Ms) -> expand_macros(atom, Lm, M, Toks, Ms); %% Special macros expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{var,Lm,'LINE'}|Toks], Ms) -> [{integer,Lm,Lm}|expand_macros(Toks, Ms)]; expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{var,Lm,M}|Toks], Ms) -> expand_macros(atom, Lm, M, Toks, Ms); %% Illegal macros expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{Type,Lt}|_Toks], _Ms) -> throw({error,Lt,{call,[$?|atom_to_list(Type)]}}); expand_macros([{'?',_Lq},{_Type,Lt,What}|_Toks], _Ms) -> throw({error,Lt,{call,[$?|io_lib:write(What)]}}); expand_macros([T|Ts], Ms) -> [T|expand_macros(Ts, Ms)]; expand_macros([], _Ms) -> []. %% bind_args(Tokens, MacroLine, MacroName, ArgumentVars, Bindings) %% Collect the arguments to a macro call and check for correct number. bind_args([{'(',_Llp},{')',_Lrp}|Toks], _Lm, _M, [], Bs) -> {Bs,Toks}; bind_args([{'(',_Llp}|Toks0], Lm, M, [A|As], Bs) -> {Arg,Toks1} = macro_arg(Toks0, [], []), macro_args(Toks1, Lm, M, As, dict:store(A, Arg, Bs)); bind_args(_Toks, Lm, M, _As, _Bs) -> throw({error,Lm,{mismatch,M}}). macro_args([{')',_Lrp}|Toks], _Lm, _M, [], Bs) -> {Bs,Toks}; macro_args([{',',_Lc}|Toks0], Lm, M, [A|As], Bs) -> {Arg,Toks1} = macro_arg(Toks0, [], []), macro_args(Toks1, Lm, M, As, dict:store(A, Arg, Bs)); macro_args([], Lm, M, _As, _Bs) -> throw({error,Lm,{arg_error,M}}); macro_args(_Toks, Lm, M, _As, _Bs) -> throw({error,Lm,{mismatch,M}}). %% macro_arg([Tok], [ClosePar], [ArgTok]) -> {[ArgTok],[RestTok]}. %% Collect argument tokens until we hit a ',' or a ')'. We know a %% enough about syntax to recognise "open parentheses" and keep %% scanning until matching "close parenthesis". macro_arg([{',',Lc}|Toks], [], Arg) -> {lists:reverse(Arg),[{',',Lc}|Toks]}; macro_arg([{')',Lrp}|Toks], [], Arg) -> {lists:reverse(Arg),[{')',Lrp}|Toks]}; macro_arg([{'(',Llp}|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, [')'|E], [{'(',Llp}|Arg]); macro_arg([{'<<',Lls}|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, ['>>'|E], [{'<<',Lls}|Arg]); macro_arg([{'[',Lls}|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, [']'|E], [{'[',Lls}|Arg]); macro_arg([{'{',Llc}|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, ['}'|E], [{'{',Llc}|Arg]); macro_arg([{'begin',Lb}|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'begin',Lb}|Arg]); macro_arg([{'if',Li}|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'if',Li}|Arg]); macro_arg([{'case',Lc}|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'case',Lc}|Arg]); macro_arg([{'receive',Lr}|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'receive',Lr}|Arg]); macro_arg([{'try',Lr}|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'try',Lr}|Arg]); macro_arg([{'cond',Lr}|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, ['end'|E], [{'cond',Lr}|Arg]); macro_arg([{Rb,Lrb}|Toks], [Rb|E], Arg) -> %Found matching close macro_arg(Toks, E, [{Rb,Lrb}|Arg]); macro_arg([T|Toks], E, Arg) -> macro_arg(Toks, E, [T|Arg]); macro_arg([], _E, Arg) -> {lists:reverse(Arg),[]}. %% expand_macro(MacroDef, MacroLine, RestTokens, Bindings) %% expand_arg(Argtokens, MacroTokens, MacroLine, RestTokens, Bindings) %% Insert the macro expansion replacing macro parameters with their %% argument values, inserting the line number of first the macro call %% and then the macro arguments, i.e. simulate textual expansion. expand_macro([{var,_Lv,V}|Ts], L, Rest, Bs) -> case dict:find(V, Bs) of {ok,Val} -> %% lists:append(Val, expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs)); expand_arg(Val, Ts, L, Rest, Bs); error -> [{var,L,V}|expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs)] end; expand_macro([{'?', _}, {'?', _}, {var,_Lv,V}|Ts], L, Rest, Bs) -> case dict:find(V, Bs) of {ok,Val} -> %% lists:append(Val, expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs)); expand_arg(stringify(Val), Ts, L, Rest, Bs); error -> [{var,L,V}|expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs)] end; expand_macro([T|Ts], L, Rest, Bs) -> [setelement(2, T, L)|expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs)]; expand_macro([], _L, Rest, _Bs) -> Rest. expand_arg([A|As], Ts, _L, Rest, Bs) -> [A|expand_arg(As, Ts, element(2, A), Rest, Bs)]; expand_arg([], Ts, L, Rest, Bs) -> expand_macro(Ts, L, Rest, Bs). %%% stringify(L) returns a list of one token: a string which when %%% tokenized would yield the token list L. %tst(Str) -> % {ok, T, _} = erl_scan:string(Str), % [{string, _, S}] = stringify(T), % S. token_src({dot, _}) -> "."; token_src({X, _}) when is_atom(X) -> atom_to_list(X); token_src({var, _, X}) -> atom_to_list(X); token_src({string, _, X}) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [X])); token_src({_, _, X}) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [X])). stringify1([]) -> []; stringify1([T | Tokens]) -> [io_lib:format(" ~s", [token_src(T)]) | stringify1(Tokens)]. stringify(L) -> [$\s | S] = lists:flatten(stringify1(L)), [{string, 1, S}]. %% epp_request(Epp) %% epp_request(Epp, Request) %% epp_reply(From, Reply) %% Handle communication with the epp. epp_request(Epp) -> wait_epp_reply(Epp, erlang:monitor(process, Epp)). epp_request(Epp, Req) -> Epp ! {epp_request,self(),Req}, wait_epp_reply(Epp, erlang:monitor(process, Epp)). epp_reply(From, Rep) -> From ! {epp_reply,self(),Rep}. wait_epp_reply(Epp, Mref) -> receive {epp_reply,Epp,Rep} -> erlang:demonitor(Mref), receive {'DOWN',Mref,_,_,_} -> ok after 0 -> ok end, Rep; {'DOWN',Mref,_,_,E} -> receive {epp_reply,Epp,Rep} -> Rep after 0 -> exit(E) end end. expand_var([$$ | _] = NewName) -> case catch expand_var1(NewName) of {ok, ExpName} -> ExpName; _ -> NewName end; expand_var(NewName) -> NewName. expand_var1(NewName) -> [[$$ | Var] | Rest] = filename:split(NewName), Value = os:getenv(Var), true = Value =/= false, {ok, filename:join([Value | Rest])}. %% epp has always output -file attributes when entering and leaving %% included files (-include, -include_lib). Starting with R11B the %% -file attribute is also recognized in the input file. This is %% mainly aimed at yecc, the parser generator, which uses the -file %% attribute to get correct lines in messages referring to code %% supplied by the user (actions etc in .yrl files). %% %% In a perfect world (read: perfectly implemented applications such %% as Xref, Cover, Debugger, etc.) it would not be necessary to %% distinguish -file attributes from epp and the input file. The %% Debugger for example could have one window for each referred file, %% each window with its own set of breakpoints etc. The line numbers %% of the abstract code would then point into different windows %% depending on the -file attribute. [Note that if, as is the case for %% yecc, code has been copied into the file, then it is possible that %% the copied code differ from the one referred to by the -file %% attribute, which means that line numbers can mismatch.] In practice %% however it is very rare with Erlang functions in included files, so %% only one window is used per module. This means that the line %% numbers of the abstract code have to be adjusted to refer to the %% top-most source file. The function interpret_file_attributes/1 %% below interprets the -file attribute and returns forms where line %% numbers refer to the top-most file. The -file attribute forms that %% have been output by epp (corresponding to -include and %% -include_lib) are kept, but the user's -file attributes are %% removed. This seems sufficient for now. %% %% It turns out to be difficult to distinguish -file attributes in the %% input file from the ones added by epp unless some action is taken. %% The (less than perfect) solution employed is to let epp assign %% negative line number to user supplied -file attributes. interpret_file_attribute(Forms) -> interpret_file_attr(Forms, 0, []). interpret_file_attr([{attribute,L,file,{_File,Line}} | Forms], Delta, Fs) when L < 0 -> %% -file attribute interpret_file_attr(Forms, (abs(L) + Delta) - Line, Fs); interpret_file_attr([{attribute,_AL,file,{File,_Line}}=Form | Forms], Delta, Fs) -> %% -include or -include_lib % true = _AL =:= _Line, case Fs of [_, Delta1, File | Fs1] -> % end of included file [Form | interpret_file_attr(Forms, Delta1, [File | Fs1])]; _ -> % start of included file [Form | interpret_file_attr(Forms, 0, [File, Delta | Fs])] end; interpret_file_attr([Form0 | Forms], Delta, Fs) -> Form = erl_lint:modify_line(Form0, fun(L) -> abs(L) + Delta end), [Form | interpret_file_attr(Forms, Delta, Fs)]; interpret_file_attr([], _Delta, _Fs) -> [].